Pat Carroll 'Hope'

Hope (Single) - released on 04 June 2021 (Eyegaze)
When I first heard 'Hope' I immediately thought of humanity's curiosity for exploring space and the awesome imagery produced by teams of engineers and years of combined effort.
Using a freely available dataset from NASA's Hi-Rise camera (orbiting Mars) as the source of information, I created a generative texture system in TouchDesigner which allowed me to scan through the imagery alongside the music in a reactionary way - creating an infinite flyover of a familiar yet non-existent planet.
Pat: “I'm stoked to finally present Hope. My representation of those beautiful processes where new things emerge and thrive after periods of decay.
I didn't really intentionally set out to make a hopeful track or anything. In fact, the idea of the track representing hope gradually came to be through the process of writing it. So when I built that section before the final climax part, I really wanted to express the idea of things falling apart and disintegrating before a new element grows out of it. I think that is my representation of hope. “