The Acoustic Life of ZINC
Mona Foma, 2021

Big Hart Zinc Tribute
“Zinc is a celebration of innovation, creativity and inclusion which can be experienced at the Nyrstar Zinc Works in Hobart, as well as Launceston’s old hydro Duck Reach Power Station. Directed by Big hART’s CEO & award-winning theatre writer/ director Scott Rankin, the music is spearheaded by acclaimed Brisbane-born guitarist and composer Aaron Hopper now based at Sisters Beach NW TAS alongside electronica artist Paul Corfiatis, and bass player Curtis Poke, who are all being assisted with their artistic aspirations through North West Support Services. Celebrated Tasmanian cinematographer Anna Cadden, innovative emerging young Sydney media artist Jordan East, and edgy Hobart Artist Eddie James bring their creative power and tech mastery to the visuals.”
I had the priveledge to work alongside all these amazing Big hART artists on ZINC- drawing inspiration from the musicians, manipulating the visual artwork and working with the beautiful footage from Anna. Created mostly in TouchDesigner and After Effects.

Photo: Amy Brown

Duck Reach. Photo: Nicky Akehurst

Photo: Amy Brown

Photo: Anna Cadden

Courtesy of Nyrstar

Courtesy of Nyrstar